Alchimia Solidaria is cooperating with the people of Asociación Empordà Music, in the
release of a CD, whose profits will be addressed to all the affected by the fires of July 2012 in Alt Empordà area.
Words of Beneficiaries
First of all, thank you!
Realizing that there are associations that supports altruistic initiatives, shows us that a
better world is possible.
As a member and President of Asociació Empordà Music, I can say that your direct
and unlimited support help us enormously, mainly because of your confidence and commitment with the project. Thanks to this fact we could attend some needs claimed by those affected by the fires of last summer, not covered by law, amidst the silence of the administrations involved.
With the sand grains of 19 songs of emporda musicians and the financial support of
Alchimia Solidaria , we could attend people that felt helpless, and this is priceless.
Our gratitude from heart.
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