Last Thursday 25th February, 2016, REMA – State Network of Anti-prohibitionist women – was presented at the Hash Marijuana Museum in Barcelona, a group born with the aim to support both a change in drug policies and the legalization of cannabis. As their motto says: “Let’s grow together!”
Women have often a less visible role in this industry than men. The reasons of this inequality are a reflection of the structural inequality of today’s society.
To keep on leading social innovation and to solve an endemic situation of inequality in the cannabis sector, ICEERS Foundation and CatFAC organized the “1st Meeting of cannabis women” during the last edition of Spannabis (2016).
1st Meeting of Cannabis Women
After the excellent experience of creating a group of women mainly formed by association members, their next goal is establishing a network of women coming from different areas but somehow related with cannabis to share and join efforts together. These women are growers, users, club managers, seed bank and grow shop managers and owners, lawyers, scientists, doctors, therapists, politicians…people who bring new and interesting perspectives from their personal and professional experience to analyze the current situation of the cannabis movement and its future challenges.
These women will have the chance to work together in all the aspects that a possible future regulation of cannabis should include, a transversal consensus that can greatly stimulate a shift in the drug policies in Spain. This meeting is also important to stress the importance of gender perspective in future public policies, so that people and gender relationships are put in the first place to end with the current situation of inequality and to achieve effective and social justice for both men and women.
The 1st Meeting of Cannabis Women is an ambitious and daring project, which puts women from the cannabis world at the heart of this question, women who want to express and share their point of view to encourage a drug law reform in Spain. It is daring because it raises an uncomfortable question with regard to the cannabis industry, mainly dominated by men. It is ambitious because they want to consolidate this meeting year after year to make their efforts and projects visible to everyone, both at national and international level.
You can check the schedule of the meeting in this link, which was drawn up during 10 hours at the Villaroel Hotel (Barcelona) on Thursday, 10 March 2016.
Special guests to the public presentation of REMA at 2016 Spannabis:
- International: Lisa Campbell (Women Grow Toronto)
- Activism: Fernanda de la Figuera
- Business: Zoe (Kannabia Seeds) and Noucetta Kehdi (General Hydroponics)
- Research: Coletta Youngers (WOLA)
Let’s Go Girls!!!
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