The Entomological Research Group of Girona is a group of persons who share their love for Nature, especially insects.
Professionally, we are dedicated to other jobs (teaching, health, banking,…) but our leisure time is often dedicated to performing entomological studies, specifically wildlife research of several areas of the province of Girona.
The insect groups in which we are currently focused are Macro-heteroceda (moths), Coleoptera (beetles) and Orthoptera (grasshoppers), although we have also studied Rhopalocera (butterflies) and Odonata (dragonflies).
The aim of this research is creating extensive lists of these groups of insects in different locations. Most wildlife research includes only the different groups of vertebrate animals, without taking into account invertebrates, or treating them in a folkloric way.
All the collected data is published in science magazines specialized in entomology. Our latest published studies are:
- VIÑOLAS, MUÑOZ, BENTANACHS & ABÓS. 2014. Nuevos registros de coleópteros interesantesde Cataluña y Almería (Península Ibérica) (Coleoptera). ARQUIVOS ENTOMOLÓXICOS, 10: 25-38
- ABÓS, L., PIBERNAT, J. & PLANA, J. 2012. Observacions d’heteròcers fetes a Gombrèn (Ripollès). Butll. Soc. Cat. Lep., 103: 106-114.
- ABÓS, L., PIBERNAT, J. & PLANA, J. 2012. Observacions d’heteròcers fetes a Ogassa (Ripollès). Butll. Soc. Cat. Lep., 103: 115-124.
- PIBERNAT, J., PLANA, J. & ABÓS, L. 2010. Noves observacions de macroheteròcers fetes a Biert (Gironès) (Lepidòptera: Macroheterocera). Butll. Soc. Cat. Lep., 101: 101-108.
- PIBERNAT, J., PLANA, J. & ABÓS, L. 2010. Observacions de macroheteròcers al Pla de Salt, Gironès (Lepidoptera: Macroheterocera). Butll. Soc. Cat. Lep., 101: 109-114.
- PIBERNAT, J., PLANA, J. & ABÓS, L. 2009. Observacions de macroheteròcers fetes a Biert (Gironès). Butll. Soc. Cat. Lep., 100: 91-95.
We are currently waiting to have two more studies published.
Every one of these studies needs a 4-5 year sampling to create a list representative of the studied group. Furthermore, if the study is performed inside a protected area all data is shared annually with the responsibles of that protected area.
Over the past years, we have focused our research in protected areas of Alt Empordà, specifically in the “Parc Natural dels Aiguamolls de l’Empordà” and the “Espai Natural d’Interès Nacional de l’Albera”.
The sampling methodologies used are diverse:
- Direct sampling
- Pitfall traps
- Window traps
- Light taps.
This research task basically requires a significant amount of time, one of the most valued and scarce goods since all members of our group have family and labor obligations, and in most cases we take this time from our hours of sleep.
It also requires a considerable expenditure due to travels, materials for traps, entomology cases, bibliography, etc.
Words of beneficiaries
This is why we would like to thank the Foundation “Alchimia Solidària” for all the help offered this year, since we have renewed all the material used for nocturnal sampling (generator, batteries, mercury vapour lamps, UV lights,…) among other things.
We will keep you updated throughout the year on our latest entomological discoveries.
Thanks a lot.
Project presentation in the multipurpose Alchimia room, February 11, 2015
Stuart Corbett says
My name is Stuart Corbett and I an English.
I found your website and am very interested in the work of your Group.
My particular interests are beetles (Carabidae) and spiders (Araneae). This interest concerns not only species identification but the ability of these groups to indicate habitat type and condition. Utilising such information to inform ecosystem management and show the effects of environmental change or land use alteration is also a primary interest.
I have been involved in a number of ecological projects for many years located in agricultural lands apes and on a strictly protected calcareous grassland site in southern England. These have included a large amount of Carbid and spider identifications from pitfall traps.
My holidays in recent years have included visits to Aiguamollsee when staying at Nautic Alma ta. I find this reserve fascinating and consider it to be an extremely valuable resource. I have become a member of APNEA.
Your we site suggests that time and labour are important limiting factors in your studies. I have recently retired from employment as an ecologist and have some time I would like the vote to supporting your Group in some way.
I recognise that distance and language (I do not speak Catalan/Spanish) may be a barrier but I am keen to volunteer any help that I can.
From my perspective it would be an opportunity to learn about the entomological fauna of Catalonia together with ecosystem management and development regimes.
If you are able to supply me with any relevant information regarding Aiguamolls beetles and spiders or any other ecological information I would be extremely grateful.
I look forward to your response and thank you for your attention.
Please note that I am currently in Spain and can be coated by reply to this email. I leave on 5 September and after this can be contacted on the address below.